Join us for an encouraging time of fellowship and quizzing over Psalms & Acts!
April 27th 6:00 PM | St. Louis, MO
Coming together for God’s Word and His people!
MLQ is hosting a night for all the adults at BQF Nationals to gather and enjoy quoting and quizzing over God’s word. This is your chance to show the kids that memorizing is for adults too! The quizzing will cover Acts 1-10 and Psalms 1-15! You are welcome to join us whether you have 5 verses or 50! Register with your team or as an individual today!
Thank you for your interest in attending the 2023 MLQ At Nationals Quiz Event!
Registration Details
Location:Hilton St. Louis Airport
10330 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, Missouri, 63134-3303
Time: 6:00-8:30
Quiz One 6:00
Quiz Two 6:30
Quiz Three: 7:00
Quiz Four: 7:30
Finale: 8:00
If you don’t have a team please register as an individual and select which material you have memorized and we will place you on a team!
A special note for rookies or first-time quizzers! If the thought of quizzing for the first time intimidates you, please know that you are not alone! Everyone is nervous when quizzing for the first time, but you will find a group of very welcoming and encouraging adults who want to fellowship with you! The quizzing is much slower paced than the teens and the competition nowhere near as intense. If quizzing isn't for you, feel free to come and watch and cheer on the other adults!